Augustinian Blessed

Blessed Antonio Della Torre – 24th July

Antonio was from Milan and was born of the Della Torre family around 1424. After studying, he graduated in medicine in Pavia and spent some time working as a doctor in Milan until he became acquainted with the Augustinians of the famous convent of St. Mark where he eventually asked to be accepted. He continued his formation and was ordained a priest in Milan. He was soon sent to the …

Blessed Antonio Della Torre – 24th July Read More »

Blessed Christine of the Holy Cross – 4th January

Although the year of her birth is unknown, we know that Oringa Menabuoi was born in the village of Santa Croce on the river Arno, close to the town of Pistoia, Italy. According to some historical sources, it is most probable that she was born towards the end of the 30th year of the 13th century. The background of this blessed person follows the traditional ways of those times, when …

Blessed Christine of the Holy Cross – 4th January Read More »

Blessed John of Rieti – 2nd August

At Rieti there was a young religious named John. He was simple, humble, always happy. He followed the same lifestyple as his fellow friars insofar as concerns both food and drink. However, he had a particular character. He loved very much the other friars; he lived with them in a charitable manner, never uttering words or doing anything contrary to the rules of love for our neighbour. He treated everybody …

Blessed John of Rieti – 2nd August Read More »

Blessed Veronica Negroni from Binasco – 13th January

What we know regarding Veronica is that she was born in 1445 in Binasco, in the province of Milan, within a family of farmers and that she was God fearing. However, her mother was so poor that she was unable to give her even a little schooling. At 22 years of age “after many requests she managed to wear the habit of St. Augustine” as a lay member of the …

Blessed Veronica Negroni from Binasco – 13th January Read More »

Blessed Christina from Aquila – 18th January

  Christina was named Mattia Ciccarelli. She was the daughter of Domenico and Maria di Pericolo at Colle dei Lucoli (Aquila) and was born on 24 February 1480, the last of six children. From an early age she was full of the virtues of obedience, humility, serenity and she was totally dedicated to prayer to which she devoted the entire day in a corner of the family home in front …

Blessed Christina from Aquila – 18th January Read More »

Blessed Josephine of the Purification – 22nd September

During the thirties in the twentieth century, the Church in Spain went through a period of great martydom, when the civil authorities started a systematic persecution that lasted three years and during which time a great number of Christians were killed: laity, religious, priests and bishops. Brethren of the Augustinian family, in these difficult circumstances, also showed great strength of their faith in the face of such harsh persecution, at …

Blessed Josephine of the Purification – 22nd September Read More »

Blessed Angelo from Furci – 4th February

He was born in Furci (Abruzzo) in 1246, a son of wealthy parents who could not have children. According to the tradition as recounted in the story of his life, he was born through the intercession of St. Muchael the Archangel after his parents went on a pilgrimage to his sanctuary near Gargano. At his baptism he was given the name Angelo which he retained even when he became a …

Blessed Angelo from Furci – 4th February Read More »

Blessed Clement from Osimo – 19th May

Today we honor the memory of two friars who were associated by their work for the good of the Augustinian Order at its origins, but also by their love for the interior life of prayer and contemplation. They both served the Order as Prior General and were instrumental in directing and stabilizing the Order shortly after its birth. At the same time, they excelled in the virtue of humility and …

Blessed Clement from Osimo – 19th May Read More »

Blessed Martyrs of Japan – 28th September

In the beginning of the XVII century there started in Japan one of the most harsh and bloody persecutions of the Church. Many were the numbers of martyrs amongst the members of the Augustinian Order for the Gospel. Augustinians from Japan, Spain, Portugal and Mexico, men and women, tertiaries, lay brothers and other faithful who, with their death, gave an example of the unity and universality of the Order. Hereunder …

Blessed Martyrs of Japan – 28th September Read More »

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