Reflections and articles

Give me, O God, a heart ready to listen to Your word!

23rd Sunday of the Year – B Isiah 35: 4-7a; Psalm 145; James 2: 1-5; Mark 7: 31-37 Read: Tell those with a faint heart: “Be brave, do not be afraid! See, your God is coming to repay you; the time for this God’s benevolence has arrived; He himself is coming to save you”. Then the eyes of the blind will be opened, the ears of the deaf will be …

Give me, O God, a heart ready to listen to Your word! Read More »

Let us praise and worship the Lord by word and deed, at all times throughout our lifetime, and in every way possible…

22nd Sunday of the Year – B Dew. 4: 1-2, 6-8; Psalm 14; James 1: 17-18, 21b-22.27; Mark 7: 1-8, 14-15, 21-23 Read: Jesus answered: “It was because of you hypocrites that Isiah so rightly prophesised about you, you double-faced people, as was written: ‘These people honour me only with lip-service, whilst their hearts are far from me. The worship they offer me is worthless talk; the doctrines they teach …

Let us praise and worship the Lord by word and deed, at all times throughout our lifetime, and in every way possible… Read More »

The troubled events of the relics of Augustine of Hippo, between transfers, findings and devotion

THE TROUBLED EVENTS OF THE RELICS OF AUGUSTINE OF HIPPO, BETWEEN TRANSFERS, FINDINGS AND DEVOTION. Many Christians, and non, are well aware of the troubled and agitated life that Augustine (354-430), son of Monica and Patrizio, lived. He is revered as one of the major saints and fathers of the Church of all times. Nonetheless, very probably, few people know that after his death, his mortal remains had a rather …

The troubled events of the relics of Augustine of Hippo, between transfers, findings and devotion Read More »

Lord, yours is the last word. Continue to talk to us…

21st Sunday of the Year – B Joshua 24: 1-2a, 15-17, 18b; Psalm 33; Ephes. 5: 21-32; John 6: 60-69 Read: In those days Jesus spoke about the Bread of Life. When they heard this, many of his disciples said: “This is intolerable language! How could anyone accept it?” Jesus was aware that his followers were complaining about it and said: “Do these words upset you? What if you should …

Lord, yours is the last word. Continue to talk to us… Read More »

Mary assures us that not only now, but always, for eternity, God will remain faithful to us

The Blessed Virgin Mary’s Assumption to Heaven Revelation 11: 19a, 12: 1-6a, 10ab; Psalm 44; 1 Cor. 15: 20-26; Luke 1: 39-56 Read: Then Mary said: “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour because he has looked upon the his servant in her lowliness. Yes, henceforth all generations will call me blessed, for the almighty has done great things for me. …

Mary assures us that not only now, but always, for eternity, God will remain faithful to us Read More »

Thank God for the many times that he showed you the way…

19th Sunday of the Year – B Kings 19: 4-8; Psalm 33; Eph. 4: 30, 5:2; John 6: 41-51 Read: Jesus said: “Stop complaining to each other. No one can come to me unless drawn by the Father who sent me, and I will raise that person on the last day. It is written in the prophets: ‘They will all be taught by God’. Therefore, everyone who listens to the …

Thank God for the many times that he showed you the way… Read More »

Open your hands, Lord; make us happy with all that You give us.

17th Sunday of the Year – B Kings 4: 42-44; Psalm 144; Ephes. 4: 1-6; John 6: 1-15 Read: Looking up, Jesus saw the crowds approaching him and said to Philip: “Where can we buy some bread for these people to eat?” He said this only to test Philip; he himself knew exactly what he was going to do. Philip answered: “Two hundred denari would only be enough to give …

Open your hands, Lord; make us happy with all that You give us. Read More »

“Take care of your body as though you are to live for ever; and take care of your soul as though you are going to die tomorrow” St. Augustine

16th Sunday of the Year – B Jer.23: 1-6; Psalm 22; Ephes. 2: 13-18; Mark. 6: 30-34 Read: In those days, the apostles re-joined Jesus and they related to him all that they had done and taught. And he told them: “You must come away to some lonely place all by yourselves and rest for a while”. Because, truly, there were so many coming and going, that the apostles had …

“Take care of your body as though you are to live for ever; and take care of your soul as though you are going to die tomorrow” St. Augustine Read More »

The most important thing was, and remains, that we rely on God.

15th Sunday of the Year – B Amos 7: 12-15; Psalm 84; Ephes. 1: 3-14; Mark. 6: 7-13 Read: At that time, Jesus called the Twelve, and he started sending them out two by two, at the same time giving them the power over evil spirits. He warned them not to take anything with them for their journey except a staff; no bread, no haversack, no money in their purses. …

The most important thing was, and remains, that we rely on God. Read More »

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