Reflections and articles

Raise your eyes and look at the fields

The encyclical Laudato Si, published on 23 May 2015, on the Solemnity of Pentecost, is about the endearment of the common good, that is concerning creation and the environment. Try as you may, you will not find a quotation from St. Augustine in this encyclical …. not even a single one! So, you may ask me, why all this talk about the environment, creation, ecology, the encyclical and today the …

Raise your eyes and look at the fields Read More »

Jesus puts at rest His disciples’ minds

Sixth Sunday of Easter John 14, 15-21 Read: Jesus puts at rest His disciples’ minds that, when he is no longer in this world, he will send them help, through the Paraclete so that they will not feel as though they are orphaned and abandoned. Pray: Let us allow the Holy Spirit to guide us in our discernment and in our decisions. Let us be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s …

Jesus puts at rest His disciples’ minds Read More »

Let us thank god for His trust in us.

Fifth Sunday of Easter Acts 6,1-7; Peter 2,4-9; John 14, 1-12 Read: The call to and specific mission of deacons. The common call to all Christians is for us to become living stone – spiritual temples – of God. Those who are called to carry out the same mission as that of Jesus. Pray: So that we will be convinced of our dignity as God’s chosen. That we get rid …

Let us thank god for His trust in us. Read More »

Hawn jien Mulej…

Hawn jien Mulej, ġejt nagħmel ir-rieda tiegħek. Hawn jien Mulej, ħa nmur kull fejn tmexxini għax Int sibtni f’posti Lest biex nagħmel dak li jogħġbok. Ħa nkun miegħek fil-mixi tiegħi Għax kliemek, biex ma nibżax, iqawwini fi triqti 

God’s calls are made daily

How to respond to a call to the priesthood God’s calls are made daily and not once only. Although some time back the loving God called me, he continues making this daily and in particular circumstances; in my case the call to priesthood was to join the Augustinian Order, following God through the footsteps of St. Augustine.

Behind closed doors

Second Sunday of Easter (Sunday of Divine Mercy) Gospel according to St. John 20:19-31 Read: From behind closed doors (as indeed we ourselves are at present), God showed himself to the Apostles. He breathed on them the Holy Spirit and sent them on their mission. Eight days later He reappeared to them. On that occasion, Thomas, who had doubted the first appearance, was present with the other Apostles. This time …

Behind closed doors Read More »

The disciples from Emmaus recognised Jesus when he broke bread

Luke 24, 13-35 Read: The disciples from Emmaus recognised Jesus when he broke bread. What happened at that moment exemplifies the significance of the Eucharist. Straight away we notice the wonderful nature of the Eucharist. Pray: O Lord make me always grateful for this wonderful gift given me through the Eucharist. Reflect: How central to your life is the Eucharist? At present, due to the pandemic, we are denied receiving …

The disciples from Emmaus recognised Jesus when he broke bread Read More »

Ġesù jaħsel riġlejn l-Appostli

Ħamis ix-Xirka Ä esù jaħsel riÄ¡lejn l-Appostli (Ä w. 13:1-15) Qalb ta’ qaddej Ftit Ä¡rajjiet fil-EvanÄ¡elju juru l-karattru u l-imħabba ta’ Ä esù, hekk Ä‹ar daqs din il-Ä¡rajja. Ä esù kien jaf li kollox Ä¡ie mogħti lilu. Kien jaf li s-siegħa tal-umiljazzjoni kienet viÄ‹in, imma kien jaf ukoll li s-siegħa tiegħu tal-glorja kienet viÄ‹in ukoll.  Dan seta’ għamlu kburi, madanakollu minkejja li kien jaf li s-setgħa u l-glorja kienu tiegħu, huwa ħasel saqajn id-dixxipli. Fil-mument …

Ġesù jaħsel riġlejn l-Appostli Read More »

L-Għid: Tifsira ġdida lil dak li għaddejjin minnu

L-Għid: Tifsira Ä¡dida lil dak li għaddejjin minnu Fid-dinja kollha, fl-għodwa tal-Għid, permezz tal-Mass Media u tas-Social Media, ser titwassal l-Aħbar it-Tajba tal-Qawmien ta’ Kristu mill-imwiet, lil miljuni ta’ nies. Din l-aħbar tal-Għid, din is-sena ser titwassal, kif ilkoll nafu, fi żmien partikulari ħafna, minħabba l-Covid-19. Dawn il-messaÄ¡Ä¡i ser jaslu lil nies li huma morda, imbeżżgħin, b’qalbhom maqtugħa, f’solitudni, magħluqin f’darhom, nies li għaddejjin minn tbatija u tħassib, minħabba li …

L-Għid: Tifsira ġdida lil dak li għaddejjin minnu Read More »

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