Reflections and articles

If Jesus, the son of the owner of the vineyard, had to come now seeking these fruits, what will he find?

27th Sunday of the Year (A) Is. 5: 1-7; Psalm 79; Fil. 4,6-9; Mt. 21: 33-43 Read: “There was a man, a landowner, who planted a vineyard; he fenced it round, dug a winepress in it and built a tower; then he leased it to tenants”. God says: “What else was there for me to attend to my vineyard which I did not do?” Reflect: You and I are one …

If Jesus, the son of the owner of the vineyard, had to come now seeking these fruits, what will he find? Read More »

In the quiet of your heart, accept that you are a sinner and that you need God’s mercy

26th Sunday of the Year (A) Ez. 18: 25-28; Psalm 24; Fil. 2,1-11; Mt. 21: 28-32 Read: What do you think? – Jesus asked – Which of the two carried out God’s will? The son who told his father that he was going to work in the vineyards and did not go, or the other son who told him that he did not want to go, but then relented and …

In the quiet of your heart, accept that you are a sinner and that you need God’s mercy Read More »

Why do you find it difficult to rejoice at the good fortune of others?

25th Sunday of the Year (A) Is. 55: 6-9; Psalm 144; Fil. 1,20c-24,27a; Mt. 20: 1-16a Read: “Are you being envious because I am generous?”. Take note of the characters and the reactions of those in the parable of the workers in the vineyard. Reflect: Why do you find it difficult to rejoice at the good fortune of others? People are jealous when they think that somebody else has possession …

Why do you find it difficult to rejoice at the good fortune of others? Read More »

Approach others with love and compassion from the heart…

24th Sunday of the Year (A) Sir. 27: 33-28,9; Psalm 102; Rom. 14: 7-9; Mt. 18: 21-35 Read: Whether we live, or we die, we belong to the Lord. Thus, hatred and anger are both to be rejected. If God shows us mercy, we ourselves are to show mercy to others, as we are told in the parable of the servant who refused to forgive. Pray: Pray for the grace …

Approach others with love and compassion from the heart… Read More »

We are responsible for one another

23rd Sunday of the Year (A) Ezekiel 33: 7-9; Psalm 94; Rom. 13: 8-10; Mt. 18: 15-20 Read: We are enjoined to love our neighbour. Jesus spoke about the need for us to be involved in promoting the common good. We should help one another to recognise and correct our mistakes. Jesus said to his disciples: “If your brother does something wrong, go and have it out with him alone”. …

We are responsible for one another Read More »

With the help of the Holy Spirit, we live our entire life as an offer of homage and praise to God.

22nd Sunday of the Year (A) Jer. 20: 7-9; Psalm 62; Rom. 12: 1-2; Mt. 16: 21-27 Read: You are called to discern what is God’s will, what is good, what is pleasing to Him, what is the truth. (Rom. 12,1). Reflect: God’s will means that we seek and do what is good, what is perfect, what is pleasing. With the help of the Holy Spirit, we live our entire …

With the help of the Holy Spirit, we live our entire life as an offer of homage and praise to God. Read More »

If God calls us to do something, let us humbly recognise that

21st Sunday of the Year (A) Isaiah 22: 19-23; Psalm 137; Rom. 11: 33-36; Mt. 16: 13-20 Read: In Caesarea Philippi, Peter made a profession of faith and God gave him the keys to the kingdom of heaven. “You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my Church”. Pray: Let us pray for a humble heart ready to accept God’s call. Let us pray for the grace that …

If God calls us to do something, let us humbly recognise that Read More »

Avoid looking badly on others who are different to you.

20th Sunday of the Year (A) Isaiah 56: 1,6-7; Psalm 66; Rom. 11: 13-15, 29-32; Mt. 15: 21-28 Read: Healing and feeding are two things that seem to go together. Jesus does both these things, and those who have faith can see the meaning of his actions. Others do not see the meaning of this. Pray: Avoid looking badly on others who are different to you. Pray that you do …

Avoid looking badly on others who are different to you. Read More »

What is God going to ask us when we meet Him face to face?

19th Sunday of the Year (A) 1Kings 19: 9a; 11-13a; Psalm 84; Rom. 9: 1-5; Mt. 14: 22-33 Read: Jesus approaches his disciples who are at a distance, by walking on the sea. Those that were on their boat fell before Jesus saying: “Truly, you are the Son of God!”. Reflect: Jesus asks Peter, “why were you doubtful?”. Jesus challenges Peter’s lack of faith in a difficult moment. What is …

What is God going to ask us when we meet Him face to face? Read More »

When participating in the celebration of the Eucharist, the Christian commits himself/herself to continue living the Eucharist outside the Mass.

18th Sunday of the Year (A) Isaiah 55: 1-3; Psalm 144; Rom. 8: 37-39; Mt. 14: 13-21 Read: Many were the people who followed Jesus whilst he cured and taught them. In this instance he feeds a multitude of persons …. a meal that represents the Eucharistic meal. Reflect: We have the need of being fed the food of truth as well as bread. What was the miracle here: the …

When participating in the celebration of the Eucharist, the Christian commits himself/herself to continue living the Eucharist outside the Mass. Read More »

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