Josef Sciberras osa

Reflections and Articles written by Fr Josef Sciberras osa

The troubled events of the relics of Augustine of Hippo, between transfers, findings and devotion

THE TROUBLED EVENTS OF THE RELICS OF AUGUSTINE OF HIPPO, BETWEEN TRANSFERS, FINDINGS AND DEVOTION. Many Christians, and non, are well aware of the troubled and agitated life that Augustine (354-430), son of Monica and Patrizio, lived. He is revered as one of the major saints and fathers of the Church of all times. Nonetheless, very probably, few people know that after his death, his mortal remains had a rather …

The troubled events of the relics of Augustine of Hippo, between transfers, findings and devotion Read More »

Ven. M. Felicita Baseggio OSA

Anna Clara Giovanna Baseggio was born in Ferrara on 5 May 1752. From an early age she showed a strong artistic inclination, leading her parents to imagine a promising future. At the age of 12, she was entrusted to her paternal uncle to learn better the art of wood gilding but her encounter with God led her to desire a different path, oriented towards religious life. There in Ferrara, in …

Ven. M. Felicita Baseggio OSA Read More »

Tereża Spinelli: Mudell għall-bniedem tal-lum

Tereża Spinelli: mudell għall-bniedem tal-lum[1] Il-bniedem ta’ kull żmien ifittex mudelli li fuqhom ikun jista’ jispira ruħu. Il-Knisja dan tagħrfu u tippreżentalna mudelli li fuqhom in-nisrani jista’ jfassal il-ħajja evanÄ¡elika, bħala għajnuna sabiex jilħaq il-milja tas-sejħa tiegħu: il-qdusija. Madre M.a Tereża Spinelli (Ruma 1789-Frosinone 1850), fundatriÄ‹i tas-Sorijiet Agostinjani Servi ta’ Ä esù u Marija (hawn Malta magħrufin bħala s-sorijiet ta’ Santa Monika) ftit taż-żmien ilu Ä¡iet dikjarata mill-Knisja bħala Venerabbli. Dan …

Tereża Spinelli: Mudell għall-bniedem tal-lum Read More »

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