Paceville & St Julians

Opening of the 2024 Provincial Assembly

The Provincial Assembly 2024 of the Maltese Augustinian friars opened this morning with the Celebration of the mass of the Holy Spirit and the singing of the Veni Creator at Saint Rita’s Chapel in Saint Julians. This Assembly is being Presided by the Assistant to the Prior General P. Javier Perez Barba O.S.A. who also presided over this morning’s Eucharist. Later in the morning the friars gathered in the Assembly …

Opening of the 2024 Provincial Assembly Read More »

The Academic Year of the Augustinian Institute

Sena Akkademika 2024 (Jannar – Ä unju 2024)  L-Istqarrijiet ta’ S. Wistin u Il-Ħajja ta’ Wistin ta’  S. Possidju   Il-Ä imgħa 5 ta’ Jannar 2024 (6.00 – 7.30pm) Ftuħ tas-Sena Akkademika 2024 ÄŠelebrazzjoni tal-Ewkaristija – Presjeduta mill-WR P. Leslie Gatt OSA   Daħla fil-qosor għas-Sena Akkademika 2024 – Prof. Salvinu Caruana OSA (ViÄ‹i-Pres./Direttur Ist.Agost.)   Il-Ä imgħa 12 ta’ Jannar 2024 (6.00 – 7.00pm) Tnedija ta’ ktieb Wistin ta’ Ippona: Mixja ta’ ħajja …

The Academic Year of the Augustinian Institute Read More »

Vietnamese Catholic Community in Malta celebrated their first Mass at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church, Paceville.

On Sunday 10th September the Vietnamese Catholic Community in Malta celebrated their first mass at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church, Paceville. This was a huge milestone for the small Vietnamese community newly established. Hopefully, in the future, this community will be a place to connect all the families and young Vietnamese Catholics living and studying in Malta to meet and support each other in living the faith and daily …

Vietnamese Catholic Community in Malta celebrated their first Mass at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church, Paceville. Read More »

50 years since the building of Our Lady of Good Council Church in Paceville

On Sunday 20th August, His Excellency Archbishop Charles Scicluna visited for the first time and celebrated mass in the church of Our Lady of Good Counsel in Paceville, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the completion of the Church building. On that same day, that is on 18 August 1973, the new Church was blessed by the Augustinian Assistant General, who at that time was Fr. Egidio Galea …

50 years since the building of Our Lady of Good Council Church in Paceville Read More »

The Love Kitchen at the Millennium Chapel

The Love Kitchen was inaugurated on Thursday 20th July with a sumptuous dinner generously provided by The Avenue Restaurant and organised by Tony Mejlaq and Prof Victor Grech. The event was attended by 40 special benefactors of the Millennium Chapel who contributed generously for the financing of the Love Kitchen. Special guest of the evening was Prof Richard England who had designed the Millennium Chapel. Prof England donated one of …

The Love Kitchen at the Millennium Chapel Read More »

Devotional feast in honour of Saint Rita

The month of May, for us Augustinians and for so many devotees around the world, is linked to the figure of the great Augustinian nun, Saint Rita of Cascia. Saint Rita lived in Umbria in Italy, more than 600 years ago, but the different experiences that life has brought together, have made her a figure that appeals so much even to our times. She lived the challanges of married life, …

Devotional feast in honour of Saint Rita Read More »

Academic Year Augustinian Institute: January – June 2023

Academic Year 2023 1st Semester (January – March 2023) Augustinian Catechism  De catechizandis rudibus     Friday, 13th January 2023 (6.00 – 7.30pm) Searching and Confessing.Augustine of Hippo’s Quench for Wisdom and  Truth (Prof. Salvino Caruana OSA) VENUE: MILLENNIUM HALL (Augustinians, Millennium Chapel, Church Street, Paceville, St Julian’s)   PANEL: Rev. Dr Stefan Attard SThD (Greg.) Dean Faculty of Theology, University of Malta   Rev. Canon Dr. Jonathan Farrugia HOD, Dept of …

Academic Year Augustinian Institute: January – June 2023 Read More »

Celebrations in honour of Saint Rita

The month of May, for us Augustinians and for so many devotees around the world, is linked to the figure of the great Augustinian nun, Saint Rita of Cascia. Saint Rita lived in Umbria in Italy, more than 600 years ago, but the different experiences that life has brought together, have made her a figure that appeals so much even to our times. She lived the challanges of married life, …

Celebrations in honour of Saint Rita Read More »

The Celebration of the second part of the Ordinary Provincial Chapter 2022

Between the 18th and 22nd April, the Augustinian friars are meeting at The Santa Rita Priory to celebrate the second part of the Ordinary Provincial Chapter which is being presided by the Prior General, Fr. Alejandro Moral Anton O.S.A. This second part started with the celebration of the Eucharist presided by the Prior General himself for the repose of all deceased members of the Province, especially those who passed to …

The Celebration of the second part of the Ordinary Provincial Chapter 2022 Read More »

An invitation to the closing mass of the Provincial Ordinary Chapter 2022

The Maltese Augustinian friars would like to invite you to the closing mass of the Ordinary Provincial Chapter 2022 which will be presided over by the M. Rev. Fr. Alejandro Moral Anton, Prior General of the Order of Saint Augustine in the Church of Our Lady of Good Counsel in Paceville on Friday, 22nd April at 6.45pm. Refreshements will be served afterwords on the Church parvis. Those arriving by private …

An invitation to the closing mass of the Provincial Ordinary Chapter 2022 Read More »

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