Words of Wisdom

Alla mhux indifferenti lejn id-dinja – għaliex aħna qegħdin inkunu indifferenti?

Għandna raġel għani. Kien jagħmel ta’ bi ruħu li lil Lazzru ma jafux jew li mhuwiex jarah.  Imma meta dan ir-raġel l-għani miet u kien fi stat ta’ tbatija lil Lazzru jsejjaħlu b’ismu meta lil Abraham jgħidlu: “Ibgħat lil Lazzru…” Dan mela kien id-dnub ta’ dan ir-raġel sinjur: mhux għax kien sinjur, mhux għax kien jiekol tajjeb u jilbes sabiħ, imma għaliex fil-għana tiegħu għalaq għajnejh għal min kien qiegħed …

Alla mhux indifferenti lejn id-dinja – għaliex aħna qegħdin inkunu indifferenti? Read More »

Vocation as a call to holiness

One way of expressing this is to say that the fundamental human vocation is the call to holiness, the call to be a saint. The saints are not just heroic people who live in history books; they are ordinary Christians who have tried to live their faith without holding anything back – to love God with their whole hearts, to love those around them without counting the cost, to work …

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Nkunu fidili f’dak li nagħmlu u ngħidu

Hija parabbola li tista tħawwdek. Is-sid huwa bniedem sinjur, b’possibiltà li għandu l-art. Huma kienu jqabbdu ‘managers’ biex jieħdu ħsieb il-business tagħhom. Setgħu jagħmlu bejgħ, loans, jiġbru d-dejn u jħalsu d-dejn għas-Sid tagħhom. Huma persuni li kellhom ċertu awtorita, ma humiex skjavi, li f’misapproprazzjoni, jistgħu jitkeċċew u jkunu umiljati. Il-manager moħħu jilħaqlu. Kien tifel ta’ żmienu, fejn tagħlmu s-sistema tar-reward u punishment biex jagħmel pjan għalih fis-snin li jaħdem u …

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Mind the gap u l-fidi

Kull min ra xi dokumentarju jew qara xi artiklu dwar Londra jew kien xi darba f’din il-belt metropolitana, u għamel użu mis-servizz tal-underground f’din il-belt, jinduna li dan huwa avviż biex wieħed joqgħod attent għal vojt li jkun hemm bejn il-platform u t-tube tal-underground. Mind the gap saret l-frażi  li ssibha fuq flokkijiet, tazez u elf ħaġa oħra biex tfakkrek f’Londra. Hemm distanza, li tista’ tkun ċkejkna jew kbira skont …

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Holding the hand of the Lord…

“How wonderful to walk along in life holding the hand of the Lord”  (Saint Edith Stein). The most beautiful thing in this world is to be led by the hand of God. Not going at it alone when we pursue our interests and goals, but rather taking it on together with Someone who knows and loves us. Not building my life alone, but in a loving and trusting communion with …

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Augustine in his own words

Few thinkers have shaped Western civilization more powerfully than St. Augustine (354-430). This volume offers a comprehensive portrait―or rather, self-portrait, since its words are mostly Augustine’s own―drawn from the breadth of his writings and from the long course of his career. One chapter is devoted to each of his masterpieces (Confessions, On the Trinity, and City of God) and one to each of his best-known controversies (against Manichees, Donatists, and Pelagians). It also explores …

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Intilfu u nstabu

Kemm ninkwetaw u nfittxu meta tintilef xi ħaġa u kemm iktar nifirħu u nikkalmaw meta nsibu dik il-ħaġa li nkunu tlifna. Għandna 3 parabboli. Jekk inħarsu ftit lejhom nindunaw li t-tlett parabboli għandhom l-istess format. Xi ħadd kellu xi ħaġa, imbagħad tilef waħda minnhom, imbagħad sab dik il-ħaġa l-mitlufa, u kollha jiddeskrivu l-ferħ li kellhom meta sabu dak li nfilef. 3 parabboli 99 + 1 = 100 9 + 1 …

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Santu Wistin Ifittex ’l Alla – P. Patrizju Mallia osa

Mitluf, waħdi niġġerra fi ħsiebi, Biex infittex lil Dak li ħabbejt, U hekk qalbi bil-ħeġġa titfawwar, Kif xtaqt darba, għalhekk Lilu nsejt.   Ħsiebi sar, bħal għasafar tal-ajru, Li jittajru fil-ogħla smewwiet, Għax hu mxennaq biex fis jista’ jgħarrex, Qalb il-fwieħa tal-ogħla ħlewwiet!   Ma nistax nibqa’ mxennaq għas-Sewwa, Jeħtieġ ngħaġġel, nittajjar ’il fuq, Jeħtieġ nofroq is-sħab li jgħattini Biex l-Imħabba bi ġmielha induq.   Iżda mnejn jien sa nterraq …

Santu Wistin Ifittex ’l Alla – P. Patrizju Mallia osa Read More »

Do I have a vocation?

“God calls all the souls he has created to love him with their whole being, here and thereafter, which means that he calls all of them to holiness, to perfection, to a close following of him and obedience to his will. But he does not ask all souls to show their love by the same works, to climb to heaven by the same ladder, to achieve goodness in the same way. What sort …

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Augustine of Hippo: A Biography

Augustine of Hippo: A Biography Peter Brown This classic biography was first published forty-five years ago and has since established itself as the standard account of Saint Augustine’s life and teaching. The remarkable discovery of a considerable number of letters and sermons by Augustine cast fresh light on the first and last decades of his experience as a bishop. These circumstantial texts have led Peter Brown to reconsider some of …

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