Vocational Reflection

Holding the hand of the Lord…

“How wonderful to walk along in life holding the hand of the Lord”  (Saint Edith Stein). The most beautiful thing in this world is to be led by the hand of God. Not going at it alone when we pursue our interests and goals, but rather taking it on together with Someone who knows and loves us. Not building my life alone, but in a loving and trusting communion with …

Holding the hand of the Lord… Read More »

Do I have a vocation?

“God calls all the souls he has created to love him with their whole being, here and thereafter, which means that he calls all of them to holiness, to perfection, to a close following of him and obedience to his will. But he does not ask all souls to show their love by the same works, to climb to heaven by the same ladder, to achieve goodness in the same way. What sort …

Do I have a vocation? Read More »

għinni biex inxerred il-fwieħa tiegħek

Għażiż Ġesù, għinni biex inxerred il-fwieħa tiegħek kull fejn immur. Fawwar il-qalb tiegħi bl-Ispirtu u l-Ħajja tiegħek. Idħol ġewwa fija u ħu kontroll tiegħi nnifsi kollni kemm jien, b’mod li l-ħajja tiegħi tkun tirrifletti lilek biss. Iddi minn ġo fija, kun ġo fija b’mod li kull persuna li niġi f’kuntatt magħha tħoss fija l-preżenza tiegħek. Ħalli jħarsu u jaraw mhux aktar lili, imma lilek biss! Ibqa’ miegħi, ħalli nsir niddi …

għinni biex inxerred il-fwieħa tiegħek Read More »

Santu Wistin jiktbilna…

Għażiż/a Jisimni Wistin. Għalkemm għext żmien ilu, għadni ħaj illum permezz tal-ħafna kitbiet li ħallejt warajha. Nixtieq li permezz ta’ din l-ittra ċkejkna nagħmlu bħal encounter bejnietna ta’ dak li għext, esperjenzajt, ġarrabt, irriflettejt, u ta’ kemm Alla tas-sorpriżi kien preżenti kontinwament minkejja d-diversi dubji u diffikultajiet li ltqajt magħhom fiż-żgħożija tiegħi.  Għaliex, jiena bniedem u ngħix qalb il-bnedmin u “x’inhi qalbi jekk mhux qalb umana?”. Għalhekk ħabib, dawn huma …

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