Vocational Reflection

Agħti l-pass!

Għandek paÄ‹enzja? Lesti tħalli l-qamħ u s-sikrana jitilgħu flimkien bħal bidwi fil-parabbola? PaÄ‹enzja Xi drabi bħal donnu naraw biss in-negattiv fina tant li ma jħallinix naraw it-tajjeb u l-pożittiv li hemm fina…naqtgħu qalbna. Jista’ jkun ukoll li nkunu rridu lil kulħadd perfett kif jaqbel lili u min mhux skont il-kriterji tiegħi nwarrbu, nneħħiħ minn ħajti. Għalfejn jiÄ¡rilna hekk? Għax ma naÄ‹Ä‹ettawx li aħna lkoll dgħajfin, imma mhux biex naqtgħu qalbna …

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INT Ewkaristija

Darba l-Papa Benedittu kien qal: Ewkaristija li ma tgħaddix għall-prattika konkreta tal-imħabba hija xi ħaÄ¡a essenzjalment framentata.  Aħna ma niÄ¡ux hawn biex niÄ‹Ä‹elebraw l-Ewkaristija għax hija xi tradizzjoni. NiÄ¡u hawn għaliex l-Ewkaristija tatina l-qawwa naffrontaw bi mħabba dak kollu li niltaqgħu miegħu. L-Ewkaristija mhux Ä‹elebrazzjoni sabiħa u daqshekk.  Fil-fatt m’hemmx Ewkaristija bla kumpassjoni u bla ma naqsmu ma’ l-oħrajn. Ewkaristija hija għotja. F’kull Ä‹elebrazzjoni Ewkaristika Ä esù jingħata lill-Missier għalina. Jingħata …

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Where am I going?

My Lord God, I have no idea where I am going. I do not see the road ahead of me. I cannot know for certain where it will end. Nor do I really know myself, and the fact that I think I am following Your will does not mean that I am actually doing so. But I believe that the desire to please You does in fact please you. And I …

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Titħajjar tiÄ¡i warajja? – Ä esù

Relazzjoni ma’ Ä esù – Ä esù jitkellem magħna Il-Mulej li jitkellem fil-ħajja tagħna…b’mod normali mingħajr trombi: Jistedinna biex nimxu warajh: bil-persuni li niltaqgħu magħhom, bil-Bibbja li hija l-kelma tiegħu bit-talb personali tagħna bl-ewkaristija bis-sagramenti b’mod qawwi fis-sagrament tar-rikonÄ‹iljazzjoni jitkellem bl-esperjenzi tagħna, jitkellem fil-ferħ tagħna, fit-tama, fil-ħolm, fil-qadi tagħna jitkellem fil-mumenti ta’ dlam, diffikultajiet, qtigħ ta’ qalb Nirriflettu: aħna kif nitkellmu miegĦu? Kemm nagħtu kas ta’ dawn il-mumenti li fihom jitkellem il-Mulej …

Titħajjar tiÄ¡i warajja? – Ä esù Read More »

5. Value

5. Value – Of the many projects and careers you are interested in, which of them are really worthwhile? Which allow you to contribute to something that is not just a waste of time? What do you actually believe in and want to promote? This doesn’t mean you have to choose a ‘religious’ or ‘charitable’ work – as if all the ordinary jobs people do in the world are a …

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4. Skills

Skills – What are you good at? What are your gifts and skills and aptitudes? Not just your qualifications (although these are often relevant) but your gifts of character and personality too. How could you best use all that God has given you and make a difference? How to Discover your vocation – Stephen Wang

3. Enjoyment

3. Enjoyment – What do you like doing; not just for leisure or fun – but what kind of work and activities do you enjoy most? Which bring the best out of you and gives you satisfaction at the end of a hard day? How to Discover your vocation – Stephen Wang

2. Admiration

Admiration – Which people do you admire the most? Is it because of who they are or what they stand for or what they do? What is it about them or their vocation that you have been attracted to? What does it stir up in your own heart? Which person, alive now, would you most like to be? Which saints, from the past, inspire you most? Why? How to Discover …

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1. Desire and attraction

You don’t need to over-analyse your life, looking for conclusive signs in every mood or event. This can become an obsession, and even a superstition, like reading the tea leaves or the horoscopes. When you stand back and take a look at the big picture, perhaps a pattern emerges, and you sense that you are being drawn in a particular direction. Usually, you don’t really need more signs, you just …

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God ‘speaks’ to us in ordinary ways

Christians talk about how God ‘calls’ us to do something, and perhaps we think this means that one day we will literally hear a voice telling us what to do. Sometimes God does speak to us in clear and dramatic ways, but more often he ‘speaks’ to us in ordinary ways. He guides us through the deepest desires of our hearts (calling us ‘from within’) and the events and circumstances …

God ‘speaks’ to us in ordinary ways Read More »

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