
Water Is Thicker Than Blood, an Augustinian Theology of Marriage and Singleness

Water Is Thicker Than Blood, an Augustinian Theology of Marriage and Singleness, ktieb ta’ Jana Marguerite Bennett, ippublikat mill-Oxford University Press fl-2008.  Mit-titlu wieħed igħid – imma b’mod xjentifiku d-demm huma aktar oħxon mill-ilma, u allura għaliex dan it-titlu? Dan il-ktieb jikkunsidra kif id-djar, l-familji u l-ħajja domestika huma relatati mal-Knisja. F’teoloġiji bikrija kienet iktar iglorifikata l-ħajja monastika bħala triq aktar diretta għall-ġid sopranaturali, filwaqt li ħassieba kontemporanji jaraw li …

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Il-valur komunitarju fi skola agostinjana

Dan il-ktieb mis-serje ta’ kotba ppublikati mill-FAE, il-Federazzjoni Agostinjana fi Spanja, hija ġabra tal-papers ippreżentati fil-Laqgħa ta’ kull sena għall-għalliema li jagħlmu f’kulleġġi agostinjani fi Spanja. It-tema tas-sena 2015 kienet, “El valor de lo comunitario en la escuela agustiniana”, il-valur tal-komunitarju fl-iskola agostinjana.  Quddiem l-isfidi kontemporanji tal-individwaliżmu u l-exklużżjoni, wieħed irid jagħmel enfasi fuq edukazzjoni ispirata f’antropoloġija li hija karetteriżata mill-ħbiberija, mit-tfixxija fil-komun għal verità, u minn ftuħ lejn Alla …

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The City of God

Saint Augustine is often regarded as the most influential Christian thinker after Saint Paul, and City of God is his masterpiece, a cast synthesis of religious and secular knowledge. It began as a reply to the charge that Christian other worldliness was causing the decline of the Roman Empire. Augustine produced a wealth of evidence to prove that paganism bore within itself the seeds of its own destruction. Then he …

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The Confessions

    In his Confessions, Saint Augustine reflects upon his life in the light of scripture and the presence of God. He begins with his infancy, pondering the many sins of his life before his conversion, and he confesses not only his sins but even more the greatness of God. This work presents a wonderful contrast between the Holy God who created all things and whom heaven and earth cannot …

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