
I Burned for Your Peace

Popular author and philosopher Peter Kreeft delves into one of the most beloved Christian classics of all time–Augustine’s Confessions. He collects key passages and offers incisive commentary, making Confessions accessible to any reader who is both intellectually curious and spiritually hungry. The Confessions is a dramatic personal narrative of a soul choosing between eternal life and death, an exploration of the timeless questions great minds have been asking for millennia, …

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Augustine’s City of God: A Reader’s Guide

Augustine’s City of God: A Reader’s Guide Gerard O’Daly The City of God is the most influential of Augustine’s works which played a decisive role in the formation of the Christian West. It’s scope embodies cosmology, psychology, political thought, anti-pagan polemic, Christian apologetic, theory of history, biblical interpretation and apocalyptic themes. This book is the first comprehensive modern guide to City of God in any language.

On Augustine

On Augustine Rowan Williams Since his retirement as Archbishop of Canterbury and his return to academic life (Master of Magdalene College Cambridge) Rowan Williams has demonstrated a massive new surge of intellectual energy. In this new book he turns his attention to St Augustine. St Augustine not only shaped the development of Western theology, he also made a major contribution to political theory (City of God) and through his Confessions to the …

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Augustine: Conversions to Confessions

Augustine: Conversions to Confessions  Robin Lane Fox Saint Augustine is one of the most influential figures in all of Christianity, yet his path to sainthood was by no means assured. Born in AD 354 to a pagan father and a Christian mother, Augustine spent the first thirty years of his life struggling to understand the nature of God and his world. He learned about Christianity as a child but was …

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On Christian Teaching

On Christian Teaching St Augustine The De Doctrina Christiana (“On Christian Teaching”) is one of Augustine’s most important works on the classical tradition. Undertaken at the same time as the Confessions, it sheds light on the development of Augustine’s thought, especially in the areas of ethics, hermeneutics, and sign-theory. This completely new translation gives a close but updated representation of Augustine’s thought and expression, while a succinct introduction and select bibliography present the …

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Augustine in his own words

Few thinkers have shaped Western civilization more powerfully than St. Augustine (354-430). This volume offers a comprehensive portrait―or rather, self-portrait, since its words are mostly Augustine’s own―drawn from the breadth of his writings and from the long course of his career. One chapter is devoted to each of his masterpieces (Confessions, On the Trinity, and City of God) and one to each of his best-known controversies (against Manichees, Donatists, and Pelagians). It also explores …

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Augustine of Hippo: A Biography

Augustine of Hippo: A Biography Peter Brown This classic biography was first published forty-five years ago and has since established itself as the standard account of Saint Augustine’s life and teaching. The remarkable discovery of a considerable number of letters and sermons by Augustine cast fresh light on the first and last decades of his experience as a bishop. These circumstantial texts have led Peter Brown to reconsider some of …

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Augustine through the Ages: An Encyclopedia

Allan D. Fitzgerald (Editor) Expert and accessible, Fitzgerald’s work is the first encyclopedic treatment of the life and thought of Augustine of Hippo. More than 140 leading international scholars have contributed over 400 articles (many of which have never been published in English) on nearly every aspect of Augustine’s life.

Augustinian Reflections on the Christian Life

  Gilbert Meilaender, The Way that Leads There: Augustinian Reflections on the Christian Life, Wm B. Eardmans, Grand Rapids/mi, 2007 Santu Wistin ifformula dak il-ħsieb ta’ xewqa li “l-qalb tagħna ma ssibx kwiet jekk ma tistrihx fik, O Alla”.  Gilbert Meilaender isostni li din il-frażi hija fiċ-ċentru tal-eżistenza tagħna.  Ma huwiex ktieb fuq Santu Wistin jew it-tagħlim tiegħu fuq il-ħajja nisranija. Lill-qarrej jofri għadd ta’ riflessjonijiet fuq l-għexien nisrani li …

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Augustine Deformed

“Augustine Deformed: Love, Sin and Freedom in the Western Moral Tradition” huwa ktieb tal-professur John M. Rist, ippublikat fis-sena 2014 mill-Cambridge University Press. Kif nafu, Wistin stabbilixxa qafas morali li ddominat l-kultura tal-Punent għal aktar minn elf sena. Fil-preżentazzjoni tiegħu, xi drabi parzjali, ta’ xi wħud mill-kunċetti ewlenin tal-morali (l-imħabba, ir-rieda u l-libertà), madankollu, xi ħassieba sussegwenti f’tentattivi biex issir tiswija ta’ dan il-qafas, u fl-isforzi tagħhom, ta’ spiss aggrava …

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