On the Road of Faith with Augustine of Hippo

The Augustinian treatise, de catechizandis rudibus is considered to be one of great importance for the teaching of the principles of the Catholic Faith to beginners. Prof. Salvino Caruana OSA, Director of the Augustinian Institute (Malta), has translated the text into Maltese (200p.). In the words of a Dutch scholar in Augustinian texts and theology in Utrecht, Prof. Joost van Neer, Augustine’s effort to provide the deacon Deogratias with some flowing ideas on how to transmit the Catholic Faith to beginners: The result was this work, which can today still benefit all educators in the broadest sense of the term (Augustinus 61 (2021): 227).

The text was due to be read and analysed in a series of lectures during the second semester of academic year 2021-2022 at the Augustinian Institute. Unfortunately, however, due to increased cases of COVID-19, it was deemed safer to postpone the semester. Some 12 participants received the printed Augustinian text by post. To the rest the book was delivered by the Director personally in a visit to the participants. The book is on sale for €15.

Each participant in academic year 2021-2022 was given two texts: Waħda u Sħiħa hija l-Imħabba (10 Homilies of Augustine on First Letter of John to the Parthians) (283p.), and Itterraq fit-Twemmin ma’ S. Wistin (de catechizandis rudibus) (200p.), and the book My Pen’s Toil, as a gift. For further info re publications of Prof. S. Caruana, or other info, please kindly contact Prof. S. Caruana OSA Augustinian Institute PO Box 61 Msida PO MSD 1000; email: [email protected]; mob.: 7929 4177.

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