The Augustinian Family celebrates the Solemnities of St. Augustine and of Our Lady Mother of Consolation

On Saturday 28 August the Church around the world, and particularly the Augustinian family, celebrates the figure of our spiritual father St. Augustine. The Church regards St. Augustine as one of its greatest thinkers who contributed not only by his vast collection of writings and sermons, and the great number of consecrated men and women who follow his footsteps, but moreover by the powerful experience of his search for God. The day before, August 27, the Church celebrates the figure of his mother St. Monica who was instrumental as he searched for the truth and experienced the love of God, the same God that she tried to teach him about since his childhood.

The Augustinian Family celebrates the solemn liturgy of these feasts in all communities, but particularly in their Parish Church of Saint Augustine in Valletta where it is celebrated as a patronal feast and in Saint Augustine Church in Victoria Gozo. In fact, even Tridum days are celebrated in these churches, together with the eve and a solemn Eucharistic celebration on  the Feast day, Saturday  August 28.

The following Saturday, September 4, the Augustinian Family then celebrates the Solemnity of Our Lady, Mother of Consolation, as patroness of the Augustinian Order. On the liturgical day, this solemnity will also be celebrated in all Augustinian communities but particularly again in the Parish Church of Saint Augustine in Valletta and that of Saint Augustine in Victoria Gozo. This feast will then be also solemnly celebrated in the Augustinian Church of St. Mark in Rabat in the following week and particularly on the following Saturday, September 11. Devotion to Our Lady of Consolation or as we commonly know her, Our Lady of the Cincture, is actually a very old devotion in our country and is also celebrated in various Parishes where we can still find active confraternities.

Full programs of these feasts can be found on the Facebook Page of the Province and the respective facebook pages.

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