Fr Paul Muscat OSA celebrates 50 years of priesthood

Fr Paul Muscat today celebrated a Eucharist of Thanksgiving on the 50th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood at the Parish Church of Saint Augustine in Valletta. This celebration could take place today after circumstances did not allow it to take place last March as planned. Fr Paul, was in fact ordained a priest on March 14, 1971.

Fr Paul who hails from Dingli, was a young student at Saint Augustine College but came to know the Augustinians also through their pastoral work at the Chapel of Saint Anthony in Buskett. During the years of his ministry, he worked mainly in Valletta, but also for several years, in the Convents of Rabat Malta and Victoria in Gozo. Whilst in Rabat he also served the community of Buskett. He also worked in the missions that the Province had in La Goulette (Tunisia) and in Catania (Sicily). Today, in addition to the pastoral service that he is giving in our parish of Valletta, he also serves as the Chaplain of the Augustinian Contemplative Community, of the Monastery of St. Catherine of Valletta.

Let us wish fr Paul, good health, blessings, and above all, much more service in the field of the Lord.

Thank you Fr Paul. Ad Multos Annos


Photos: Tufigno Photo Service



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