You call us by our name, and you invite us to walk behind you by being of service to one another, we pray that you help us to continue responding to your call.

4th Sunday of Easter

Acts 4: 8-12; Psalm 117; 1 St. John 3: 1-2; John 10: 11-18

Read: I am the good shepherd, I know my sheep, and my sheep know me, just as the Father knows me and I know Him, and I give my life for my sheep.

Reflect: What the good shepherd is for his sheep, Jesus is the same for us. When he said that he is the good shepherd – the one who is really good – he implied that he was unlike the bad shepherds, hired and who, because they do not own the sheep, run away when they see a wolf coming leaving the sheep on their own. Jesus, because he is the good shepherd, indeed gave his life for our sake, the sheep of his flock; he died, so that we would live. As our good shepherd, Jesus loves us and takes care of us, leads us until he brings us to the grazing grounds of an eternal life of happiness with him.

Pray: Lord, we are your sheep and you are our Shepherd. You call us by our name, and you invite us to walk behind you by being of service to one another, we pray that you help us to continue responding to your call. Continue to bless your Church with generous shepherds from our families so that they will serve your People.

Act: As disciples of Jesus our Good Shepherd, and following his example, let us seek to get to know better our families, our work colleagues, or our neighbours; that we are there where there is need for a wounded heart to be healed or to dry the tears of those who are crying, that we give hope to those who have lost hope in their life and that we reflect happiness with God’s love.

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