Building an Evangelical Community…moment of formation

On Wednesday 14th April 2021, the Augustinian Friars organised another online session as part of their Permanent Formation. This was the second meeting in a series delivered by Fr Philip Cutajar OFM Cap on the theme: Building an Evangelical Community.

Fr Philip shared his experience of being infected with Covid-19. He explained that this experience helped him appreciate life and his community, particularly in the way they interacted with him during this difficult time.

Fr Philip invited the Friars to apply the second chapter of the Vatican Council II document Gaudium et Spes which deals with the human community and which can be applied to a religious community.

This document speaks on the importance of:

  • Dialogue among brothers which respects the dignity of each person
  • The religious seeking to be one family
  • The superiors discerning the will of God with their community
  • The common good and its centrality
  • Showing respect and love towards adversaries
  • Equality and its importance
  • The moving away from an individualistic ethic
  • Responsibility and participation
  • Solidarity among one another.

 These meetings are of great help to the Friars in their quest to renew themselves as a community built on the Gospel.

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