Circumstances may limit our physical presence for the celebrations and external manifestations, but not the joy that comes from Christ who has given his life for us, and for us rose from the death.  

For the second successive year we will be celebrating the mystery of the passion, death, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ subject to the limitations that have been brought upon us by the pandemic of the Covid-19 virus. We would have wished that this did not extend for so long, or if we could have found a solution in a shorter time; however, every day we have come to realise that mankind has its limitations. Many persons were tasked with trying to find a solution and to help one another, but it seems that this was not enough. Although we long for the day when this nightmare is over, all of us did find ourselves some time or other in circumstances where we were unsuccessful or when we did not have the ability to persist in observing exactly the required restrictions. Meanwhile life continued to move along!

And this is our story not only at this moment in time, but always. Faced by life challenges, we try to continue to dream and to look ahead in the hope of better times. Above all, the utmost wish of each and every one of us is to feel good and happy. At the same time, we remain subject to limitations, and if we want to be sincere with ourselves, we will continue to face our own weaknesses every day. And sometimes we are also challenged with the weaknesses of those around us that affect us and even hurt us. However, a Christian is called upon to remain determined to find a way of renewal that leads to happiness, rendering his life an expression of the Risen Christ.

The Holy Week that we are now celebrating brings us face to face with this great mystery and invites us to search anew how we can allow it to reflect in our own way of living. It is an invitation so that each and every one of us celebrates and lives the great Mystery of our redemption in a more concrete way. Circumstances may limit our physical presence for the celebrations and external manifestations, but not the joy that comes from Christ who has given his life for us, and for us rose from the death. 

Thus, the invitation to each and every one of us is to make the most of this opportunity and to allow the image of Christ Crucified to remind us that God is with us in every moment of our life: God is with us when we feel betrayed; when we feel alone; when we feel overcome by our sins; when we feel the burden of our sufferings and pain; when we feel the need to be loved. Jesus Christ loved us so much that he gave himself to the very end for our sake!

Let us above all then allow the image of Christ victorious over death to mark us and to remind us that God gave us the possibility that one day we will overcome all suffering and rise again with him from death. To us believers, God gave us the potential to be the ones to appreciate what is beautiful, to promote what is positive, to win against oppression, to look at those around us as an opportunity of growth. Only in this way, can we be worthy of becoming an Easter People, and only in this way can we, one day, make the real Easter experience, in an everlasting life with Christ.

May these days be for us all an occasion of renewal in the hope of Resurrected Christ.  Happy Easter.

fr Leslie Gatt osa

Prior Provincial

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