2 days with the Augustinian Friars in Gozo

During the summer various activities are held with the young people such as live-ins, BBQs, moments of prayer and other experiences that continue to help the young people in their journey of life. Daniel Bajada one of the youths would like to share his experience of the live-in that was organized at the beginning of July:

On Sunday 2 July, together with my friends, Fr Terence, Fr Leslie and Fr Mario, we went to Gozo. There we spent 3 days together in the Augustinian convent in Victoria. Every day was full of various activities which helped us get to know each other better, such as going out to the Cittadella, Ta’ Pinu,  as well as the sea where we played and continued to have fun together.

Apart from these leisure activities, something that I really appreciated and that left an impact on me were the times of reflection and prayer that we spent together. We also laughed during some teamwork activities. These continued to bring us together, especially in the activity where we had to build a paper tower without being able to communicate verbally.

As we were together we also celebrated the ten years of Fr. Terence from his priestly ordination. We were lucky that as we were in the convent we went on a tour of the whole convent, where they showed us various historical objects and also took us in the shelters that are under the convent. Although it was not the first time that I went down to a shelter, I felt excited because I remembered some memories of the stories that my great-grandmother used to tell me when she lived these experiences in her childhood.

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