When we feel that we are losing heart, let us look towards the dazzling face of Jesus.

2nd Sunday of Lent – Year B

Gen. 22: 1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18; Psalm 115; Rom. 3: 31b-34; Mark 9: 2-10

Read: Jesus took with him Peter and James and John, and led them up a high mountain where they could be alone by themselves, and he was transfigured. His clothes became dazzling white ……. then a cloud came covering them and covered them, and there came a voice from the cloud saying: ”This is my Beloved Son, listen to him”.

Reflect: In this extract from today’s Gospel relating the Transfiguration, Jesus shows his beauty and glory so that whoever is following him, every disciple, is attracted to him, and does not remain suffering. Because the reality is that, to live as a true Christian, many times you need to suffer.  And because Jesus knows that we easily lose heart, when we are persecuted because we do good, today he shines before us with a dazzling light, so that we continue following him, notwithstanding that we need to carry our cross. When the Lord becomes a living person in our life, notwithstanding our suffering, our heart continues to be drawn towards him with the power of the Holy Spirit because, as St. Paul tells us in his letter to the Romans, “If God is on our side, who can be against us?” When we feel that we are losing heart, let us look towards the dazzling face of Jesus.

Pray: Lord you created us so as to enjoy, be joyful, to take pleasure with your marvellous presence. However, until we reach our own Tabor, we need to go up to Calvary with your son; but we need your help and to see to what extent we need your support when we get tired.

Act: Let us do our utmost that, during this Lent, we familiarise ourselves more with the Word of God, by reading and reflecting on extracts from the Bible; participating more in the Mass; attending Spiritual Exercises; following even more God’s Word through social media. It is in this manner that we will be listening to Jesus, so that he will continue to encourage us to be truly his disciples.

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