A letter from the Prior General, to the Brothers and Sisters of the Order of Saint Augustine

The Prior General of the Order of Saint Augustine Fr Alejandro Moral Anton sent a message to all the brothers and sisters of the Order on the Occasion of the World Day of Consecrated life celebrated on the 2nd of February. It is a message to particularly express his closeness in this ‘moment of crisis’ caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, and offering a word of encouragement and moreover an invitation ‘to transform the hearts hardened by selfishness’. He has invited all brothers and sisters of the Order to walk a path of renewal and hope ‘accepting the newness that comes from the Spirit, in living our charism: so suggestive, so attractive, so demanding, so current.’ The Prior General reminded all the members of the Order of their ‘obligation to rethink their reality as Augustinians in the Church and in the world’ highlighting that this is also what the Pope asks from us.

In putting such challenge he proposed three points which he considers especially urgent for everyone to consider:

  • Option for life – Everyone is called upon to promote life and care for the weakest, decisively involving himself in the defence of the dignity of Life, with all that it means and entails.
  • Option for Fraternity – In line with what Pope Francis as asking from the Church in his latest encyclical Letter Fratelli Tutti and with our own charism it is important to dream together. We should be masters and creators of communion having an open mind and a feeling of unity which goes beyond borders.
  • Option for Creative Risk-Taking – The entire church renewal essentially consists of strengthening and living the loyalty of one’s own calling. We are called to follow Christ in the Augustinian charism. He who finds Christ shares his radical novelty and opens up to the good news, taking responsibility to proclaim it, to witness it and to make radical options for a much needed renewal.
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