Every time we dry a tear, we will be participating in the salvation brought to us by Jesus.

5th Sunday of the year – Year B

Job 7:1-4, 6-7; Psalm 146; 1 Cor. 9:16-19, 22-23; Mark 1:29-39

Read: “Praise the Lord who heals broken hearts”. “Jesus healed many sick from all sorts of ailments, and drew out a large number of devils whom he did not allow to talk, because they knew who he was”.

Reflect: In Christ it is possible for us to contemplate God’s answer to the problem of suffering. God is not indifferent to mankind’s cries when suffering. Our God asks us “Do not stay away from those with a broken heart, but cry with whoever is heart-broken” (Sirach 7:34), because he too suffers, cries, and is emotional. He hears our pleas, and comes to share with us our situation caused by pain and suffering. He takes sides with us in our battle against evil, and teaches us how to change these situations into an opportunity to build love.

Pray: “The following morning, early before daybreak, Jesus woke up and went out to a distant location and stayed there praying”. It is during this dialogue with his Father that Jesus was enlightened so as to be able to tackle the sufferings of mankind. Let us pray that we are enlightened to handle our own suffering, and that of others, with faith, hope and love.

 Act: Let us confront suffering not by bemoaning our ill luck, blaming ourselves, or others or other reasons, or by trying to find an explanation, but by seeking God’s help that we may undergo suffering with faith, hope and love. Every time we dry a tear, we will be participating in the salvation brought to us by Jesus. 

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