Lord tell me the name by which you called me before I was conceived in my mother’s womb.

2nd Sunday of the year – Year B

Sam. 3:3b-10, 19; Psalm 39; 1 Cor. 6:13c-15a, 17-20; Jn. 1:35-42

Read: The Lord came, stopped near him and, like other times, called: “Samuel! Samuel!”. And Samuel answered: “Speak, because your servant is listening”. One of the two who had heard what John had said and had followed Jesus was Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother. The first thing he did was to seek his brother Simon and told him: “We found the Messiah” – which means Christ. And he took him to Christ. Christ looked towards him and told him: “You are Simon, son of John. You will be called Cephas” – or Peter.

Reflect: Nothing and nobody is anonymous before God who “counts the number of stars; he calls them all by name”. (Psalm 147:4) The name that God gives to every person indicates an identity, vocation, and mission. A vocation is no more than discerning that which we have been created to be, discerning our place on this earth and in God’s plan. This is not shown to us in dreams or visions. We discover this by recognising our inner feelings, where we hear the Lord’s word that is heard and is shown to us in our daily experiences, and through the “angels” who are close to us; those brethren who interpret for us His thoughts and what He wills for us. Saying “Here I am, I am coming to do Your will” means that you are being faithful to your identity, thus obtaining internal balance and joy. 

Pray: Lord tell me the name by which you called me before I was conceived in my mother’s womb. Here I am, I am coming to do Your will.

 Act: If you have found Christ in your life in such a way that you are ready to fall on his bosom like Andrew, take somebody else with you.

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