Think of somebody who wishes to share with others God’s love, but does not have the courage to do this.

The Baptism of the Lord

Is. 55: 1-11; Psalm 12: 2-3, 4bcd, 5-6; 1 Jn. 5: 1-9; Mk. 1: 7-11

Read: John the Baptist is a prophet who reveals the presence of God amongst us, and what God expects from us human beings. John preached repentance. He recognises what is divine in Jesus, and on Jesus’ insistence, baptises him.

Reflect: Baptism makes us children of God. It confirms that we are loved by God. Those baptised should frequently reflect on whether they are living in accordance with Jesus’ teachings. Baptism confirms God’s love towards us and trusts us with the mission of loving others as we are loved by His son, Jesus.

Pray: Let us pray that we will have God’s love in Christ. Pray that we will have the courage to show our love towards others, especially to those who are most in need.

 Act: Think of somebody who wishes to share with others God’s love, but does not have the courage to do this. See what you can do to encourage that person.

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