It-Tpespisa tat-Tama – a new book with reflections by Fr. Raymond Francalanza O.S.A.

‘A Hint of Hope, Notes, groans and rushes of blood from my heart’ is a new book with reflections by Fr. Raymond Francalanza O.S.A. which will be published in the coming days. The book comprises more than 150 writings by Fr. Raymond himself in the form of reflections and prayers inspired by his ‘journey of life’, this at a time when he is celebrating the 30th anniversary of his Priestly Ordination.

The book comprises seven sections as follows, the first and last being an introduction and a conclusion that form part of the same reflections. At the end of the book one finds a detailed index. In this manner Fr. Raymond makes a brief summary of each chapter.

  1. Introduction: How the journey evolved

Here he sees life as an adventure, a mission in which he finds a scope. However, there are some who see this empty, even a burden, full of challenges and crosses. Some look at life as being beautiful, full of charm, blessings and beauty. But there are others who, on the contrary, see life as being dark, full of entanglements and worry. I look upon life as a journey. Every day I try to walk its pace. Some times I am successful; other times not.

  1. The first journey: A window slightly ajar in my heart

In these reflections I felt I was searching in the chest of my past but also in my baggage of my present lifetime. What I have written represents my self-portrait, but even more the mosaic that there is in my heart. Of that which roused, inspired and engraved my innermost feelings. During this journey, I felt I was digging deeply into my conscience.

  1. The second journey: From the rainbow of life

These are reflections on life, the human adventure, man’s behaviour, the co-existence of contrary influences, ambiguities, distractions, compromises, insensibility, masks, our blindness and misdeeds. And the subtle tendency to escape so as not to face reality.

  1. The third journey: Homage … In the spirit and the truth

During this journey I experienced the reality of the Church, the light and its and our shadows, the life of faith and religion, a priestly and consecrated life, spirituality meditation and a mysterious walk in a spiritual world which only this has the power to liberate.

  1. The fourth journey: When life becomes a prayer

These are experiences from the realities of everyday life, with sudden knocks, with its ups and downs. All is well in good weather, but when the way ahead seems rugged and snakelike, we may find that time is lengthy and heavy going and we do not understand everything. For me these are moments that one can change into prayer.  Because prayer is not a ritual, an escape from life or from the spoken word, but when your own life becomes an offer.

  1. The fifth journey: Words that do not evaporate

These are reflections concerning phrases from scripture, some of them spoken by Jesus himself that in different times touched my heart. His words provoked me many times, in them I found expressions that help one follow the road of sincerity, and at the same time have the power to awaken our sleepy conscience.

  1. Conclusion: Live will go on

What is important is to live a life with your feet on the ground. But for me it is more important that you do not lose the mystery of ecstasy in yourself. I recognise that the constant beating in me is still all there. I tried to put to writing my feelings. Because I know that the time will come when I will be unable to write another word. And during my life journey I will continue going …. I will also continue walking and flying …. until I finally arrive near Him.


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