Write down three talents given to you by God. Think of how you can double these in the service of God and of His people.

33rd Sunday of the Year (A)

It is not what one receives that counts, but what the receiver does with what one is gifted.

Prov. 31: 10-13, 19-20, 30-31; Psalm 127; 1 Tess. 5: 1-16; Mt. 25: 14-30

Read: The parable of the talents shows that when we show the right attitude, this is rewarded by God. Those whose soul is strong need not fear the second coming of God and His Judgment.

Reflect: One might think that there is justification in the fact that those who received these were given different talents and that the same ones were not given to each one. Nonetheless, it is not what one receives that counts, but what the receiver does with what one is gifted. The Lord’s happiness and the gifts that are given to each and every one, are the same that are given to all those who doubled the talents given them. God does not recognise the number of our offerings, but looks at the quality, as also at our heart’s attitude and the goodwill with which these are offered by us.

Pray: Pray that your heart has the right attitude which pleases God.

Act: Write down three talents given to you by God. Think of how you can double these in the service of God and of His people.

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