Intermediate Provincial Assembly cancelled

By means of a message to the Province, the Provincial advised that the Prior General had given the Malta Augustinian Province dispensation from holding its Intermediate Provincial Assembly for 2020. This was scheduled to be held on 27, 28 & 29 October at the St. Nicholas hall, Tarxien, always subject to the limitations imposed by the pandemic Covid 19. This after the Assembly had been postponed from the original date last April. Nonetheless, considering the circumstances, it was felt imprudent for all the friars from different convents to get together for three days of discussion.

The Provincial Assembly comprises a series of meetings and discussions that are usually held two years after the Ordinary Provincial Chapter with the aim that, in a fraternal environment, an evaluation is carried out of the Province’s work during the previous two years. This also gives an opportunity for consideration to be given, in light of present realities, to how our life and our other initiatives can be made more effective particularly in regard to the programme set out in the previous Ordinary Provincial Chapter.

Meanwhile, during the past few days, the Province held meetings in the Province’s six communities during which was presented material that was intended to raise discussion during the Assembly. Amongst these was an evaluation of the Province by the Provincial as well as of the Provincial Council that should act as the starting point so that, during the coming months, a reflection will be carried out.

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