Let us pray that justice prevails in our land by starting to sow this wherever we may be.

29th Sunday of the Year (A)

Is. 45: 1, 4-6; Psalm 95; 1 Tess. 1: 1-5b; Mt. 22: 15-21

Read: The hostility between Jesus and the religious authorities was growing day by day. Because of this, the Pharisees worked out between them and the Herodians how to trap Jesus and get rid of him. They tried to corner him with a question that would implicate either a question of religion or a political one. Jesus releases himself from the trap very wisely.

Reflect: If one had to answer the question: to whom does one’s life appertain, all one has to do is to look at the image engraved in his/her heart. Whose image is this? That of Caesar or of God who made us, knows us and called us even before we were born? Therefore, let us give to God what is His – our life.

Pray: Let us pray that justice prevails in our land by starting to sow this wherever we may be. Let us also pray for a sense of belonging to God and to his Kingdom.

Act: To be just, we need to practice justice. Let us ourselves work towards justice and not just talk about it.

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