Today could be an opportune day for us to say a prayer of thanksgiving to God

28th Sunday of the Year (A)

Is. 25: 6-10a; Psalm 22; Fil. 4: 12-14, 19-20; Mt. 22: 1-14

Read: Jesus presents salvation in the form of a wedding feast. Those invited to this wedding did not attend this feast and preferred to carry on with their life. Some even acted violently against the servants sent by the king and even killed them. In a rage the king sent his soldiers, who exterminated those killers, and again sent his servants to invite all those interested in attending the wedding feast. However, anybody attending was bound to wear a wedding garment, because if not, such persons risked being sent out of the wedding hall.

Pray: Today could be an opportune day for us to say a prayer of thanksgiving to God who wishes to befriend us. Let us also pray for all the people of the world that they accept the invitation to His Kingdom.

Reflect: The invitation to the Kingdom’s meal is offered for free to everybody. All are invited but not everybody accepts. Those who accept are bound to follow the rules of the Kingdom. This is why the one who was not wearing a wedding garment was sent away from the wedding hall. Sometime we misinterpret God’s mercy – we think that God forgives everything and thus for Him all is acceptable. However, in reality this is not so!

Act: What qualities should we nurture so as to be more effective in the mission entrusted to us? Today let us do something good to somebody else as an act of gratitude to God.


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