When participating in the celebration of the Eucharist, the Christian commits himself/herself to continue living the Eucharist outside the Mass.

18th Sunday of the Year (A)

Isaiah 55: 1-3; Psalm 144; Rom. 8: 37-39; Mt. 14: 13-21

Read: Many were the people who followed Jesus whilst he cured and taught them. In this instance he feeds a multitude of persons …. a meal that represents the Eucharistic meal.

Reflect: We have the need of being fed the food of truth as well as bread. What was the miracle here: the multiplication of the bread and fish, or the example given by Jesus to share what you have with other persons in need? Can the Eucharist exist outside the celebration of the Mass?

Pray: When participating in the celebration of the Eucharist, the Christian commits himself/herself to continue living the Eucharist outside the Mass. Praying together with the priest and the Christian community in the Mass, transcends into living Jesus’ teaching in our everyday life.

Act: Through his disciples – to whom he gave bread to be given to others – Jesus himself is the one who continues to feed everyone at all times and in all places. Observe the eucharistic moments in your family and with friends, that occur outside the Mass.


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