Think how the parable of the farmer who went out to sow seeds applies to the life of each and every one even in these days.

15th Sunday of the Year (A)

Is. 55: 10-11; Psalm 64; Rom. 8: 18-23; Mt. 13: 1-13

Read: Jesus starts teaching by way of parables. Through these parables he encourages his disciples to think through the meaning of the parables and their application to one’s life.

Today’s reading from St. Matthew’s Gospel explains some of the difficulties that had arisen at the time. Was this because not everybody had accepted Christ’s authority? And why after this was accepted, did some give up and went away?

Reflect: Jesus’ parables make reference to the ordinary daily way of life, but these are sufficiently comprehensive so as to arouse one’s mind to reflect. Think how the parable of the farmer who went out to sow seeds applies to the life of each and every one even in these days.

Pray: External occasions and circumstances could well keep back a person from listening to the Word of God and living according to it. Daily prayers with a view that one avoids such circumstances and occasions could well be of help “Keep me away from all temptation”.

Act: Listen carefully to God’s Word when you are in Church, and try to find a way of living according to that Word.

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