Like the Trinity, we too are called to be one in union with Him and with others.

The Most Holy Trinity

Exodus 34:4b-6; 8-9: A God of compassion and pity.

Daniel 52-56: May You be praised and exalted above everything for ever.

2 Corinth. 13:11-13: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.

John 3:16-18: Gospel

Read: The Gospel preaches the profound greatness of God’s love when He sent His own son into the world to save humanity.

Reflect: By way of the communion of love, God gives us His own self and also His love. Therefore, like the Trinity, we too are called to be one in union with Him and with others.

Pray: In this globalized but disunited world, there is a great need for unity and solidarity. Let us pray for unity amongst all God’s brethren. Let us also pray daily for the internal gift of grace, love and unity of the Holy Trinity.

Act: How can we be an instrument of unity? By acting as agents of unity when we earnestly work towards building bridges and not walls within our communities.

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