Let us thank god for His trust in us.

Fifth Sunday of Easter

Acts 6,1-7; Peter 2,4-9; John 14, 1-12

Read: The call to and specific mission of deacons. The common call to all Christians is for us to become living stone – spiritual temples – of God. Those who are called to carry out the same mission as that of Jesus.

Pray: So that we will be convinced of our dignity as God’s chosen. That we get rid of any doubts we may have as to the fact that we are called to be instruments in God’s hands so that His redemptive mission will reach all mankind.  Let us thank god for His trust in us.

Reflect: The Christian vocation is different from any other vocation: this because Christians are called by and are given a mission by God himself. The agent of that call and mission remains Him who makes the call. Jesus said: ‘Believe me! I am in the Father and the Father is in me. If for no other reason, do believe because of what He himself did. Believe me when I tell you that whoever believes in me, he too will emulate what I myself am doing and greater things will be done, because I am going to the Father’. Are we courageous and open enough so as to allow God to carry out His mission for us and through us?

Act: Consecrate this day to God and pray that you will be His instrument according to His will. Observe what will happen today.

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