Photographic Exhibition by Cardinal Prospero Grech O.S.A.

Our brother Cardinal Prospero Grech is well known in academic circles. Apart from celebrating his 75th year in the Augustinian Order, he has worked for most of his life in Rome where he taught in various universities. He was also the co-founder of the Patristic Institute ‘Augustinianum’ and lent his expertise to various Church Commissions and Dicasteries.

Few, however, know that the Cardinal is also a keen photographer and has captured various moments and scenes in Rome, Malta and other countries around the globe.

On Monday 28th October, at the President’s Palace in San Anton, the President of Malta inaugurated a photographic exhibition of about thirty photos taken throughout the years by the same Cardinal. Cardinal Grech, who will be celebrating his 94th birthday in the coming days, was present for the occasion and he thanked the President and those who helped in this initiative.

The exhibition will be open for fifteen days and the exhibited photos can be bought. All proceeds will be forwarded to the Community Chest Fund.

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