The foundation of the Augustinian life is life in the community in which the brothers share everything together and build the road that leads to God through the service of others. The value of our communion is embodied in particular environments and circumstances.  In this way wherever we are, we are called to be a reflection of the mystery of love of the Holy Trinity.

To the Augustinian the community does not limit itself to the house where he lives, neither to the province in which he has been admitted, but it is wherever there are Augustinian brothers. Every religious brother takes a vow of obedience to the Prior General that in is in charge of the Order as a whole. In this manner the service that we can give is not limited in any way The Augustinian community is called to be a prophetic sign in the world, a source of the sharing of goodness and the kindling of hope. Upon St. Augustine’s example, the love for the Church exhorts us to be sensitive to its needs and we welcome the duties it assigns us according to our charism and in solidarity with the family of mankind in particular with the poor and the suffering.

We consider our Apostolic activity as a service of love. Therefore our labours are considered as a manifestation of that bond of love expressed by life in the community. The work of every Augustinian receives its bidding from the community from which it also finds help and support.

In Malta we are found in six convents: Rabat (Malta), Valletta, Rabat (Gozo), Paceville, Tarxien, and Pietà. A number of other religious brothers also work in collaboration with other provinces in Cuba, Italy and the Vatican.

In every convent a small community of religious brothers works so that, by means of its charism, spreads the Gospel in different ways and in different environments. Thanks to our lifestyle, and the manner in which we understand and live our vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, inspired by the experience and teachings of St. Augustine, also strengthened by the example of many of our brothers who achieved sainthood, we hope to be a beacon of hope for many.

Pastoral Communities

However, no Augustinian community is created as an end in itself. Our service towards mankind is part of our identity. Encouraged by the Spirit we acknowledge the Church as a mother and founder, and, on the example of St. Augustine, we dedicate ourselves to its service in a number of different works.

To this end we do not attach ourselves to any particular place or convent, but in the spirit of commitment we make ourselves available to work in diverse places, cultures and fields. These services include:

  • parishes
  • schools and universities,
  • retreat centres and houses of spirituality,
  • cultural centres,
  • work with people with social difficulties and the emarginated
  • the missions

In order to achieve this objective

  • We assign first place to our consecration to God by means of our vows of chastity, poverty and obedience, from which originates our community life as well as our pastoral mission.
  • We all seek God and by means of the liturgy we worship Him as an expression of the faith that is shared between the brothers of the community.
  • We live fully the life of the community where no one owns anything and where everything belongs to everybody.
  • We promote the experience of God by means of introspection and scholarship considered as contemplative activities.
  • We fulfill our apostolic work in accordance with the needs of the Church and society.
  • We dedicate ourselves earnestly to our work both manual and intellectual for the good of the community.

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