Augustinian Saints: Teachers and witnesses of our spirituality

Activity for Lay Augustinians in Tarxien

On Monday 14th October 2019 an activity for lay persons close to the Augustinian Friars in Malta and Gozo was held in Tarxien. Approximately 90 persons from different communities attended this event. The group was joined by the Provincial, Fr Leslie Gatt OSA, the Prior of the Tarxien community, Fr Alan Scerri OSA, and other friars. At 6.00pm Mass was said at the Church of St Nicholas of Tolentino. Afterwards, the group gathered in the hall of the Augustinian Oratory. Fr Josef Sciberras OSA, General Postulator of the Augustinian Order, gave a talk on the theme, “Augustinian Saints: Teachers and witnesses of our spirituality.” Using a PowerPoint presentation, he explained how the Augustinian Order was founded in the 13th century and how the lives of religious and lay Augustinians developed throughout the years. After the talk, Mr Victor Spiteri, a member of the Provincial Commission of Lay Augustinians, thanked a number of people and announced that the next meeting for Lay Augustinians will be held on Wednesday 13th November 2019 at 6.00pm at the Monastery of the Contemplative Augustinian Nuns in Valletta where a mass to celebrate all the Augustinian saints will be held. The activity ended with a social event where people from different communities could meet and talk with one another over a drink.

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