Youths leave Malta to discover more about themselves and God

On Sunday 7th July in the Church of Saint Nicholas of Tolentine, in Tarxien 20 young men and women gathered together to ask God to be with them in the different experiences they will have this summer outside Malta.

The Amigos group for the 30th time led by fr Mario Abela will be leaving Malta for Mozambique and doing missionary work with the poor. During these 3 weeks this group will be helping in the construction of palhotas (tents) that serve as houses, distributing food and medicines to the poor and doing some maintenance work in a small school nearby.

The Tagaste group made up of 8 young ex-students of our college will join hundreds of other young people in Italy (Cascia) to share their faith and live a community experience, they will be accompanied by the Provincial fr. Leslie Gatt and fr. Terence .

The Camino group led by fr. Terence, will be walking 200Km in the form of a pilgrimage from Portugal to Santiago in Spain where the remains of the apostle Saint James are located. This is a spiritual walk that continues to give these young people an opportunity to discover God and others.

Let us continue to pray for these young people and for so many other young people who these days are doing experiences like this so that they continue to discover themselves and God.

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