Opening of the 2024 Provincial Assembly

The Provincial Assembly 2024 of the Maltese Augustinian friars opened this morning with the Celebration of the mass of the Holy Spirit and the singing of the Veni Creator at Saint Rita’s Chapel in Saint Julians. This Assembly is being Presided by the Assistant to the Prior General P. Javier Perez Barba O.S.A. who also presided over this morning’s Eucharist. Later in the morning the friars gathered in the Assembly Hall where the necessary formalities took place.

Fr Frankie Cini M.S.S.P. was then invited and shared with the friars various reflections related to the challenges of the Church and Society today and the need for a journey of discernment leading to the necessary choices. The same Fr Frankie also animated the discussions in the afternoon session. The first day of the Assembly closed with the Evening Prayers in the Chapel.

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