Fr George Bezzina osa passes away

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing away of fr George Bezzina who went to meet the risen Lord early this morning at the venerable age of 94. Fr George was lately residing at the Christus Sacerdos residence for elderly priests in Birkirkara.

Father George was born in Gharghur on March 29, 1928 and joined the Augustinian Family in 1946. After completing his studies, he was ordained priest on March 21, 1953. He spent the first years of his ministry in the Communities of Rabat Malta and Victoria in Gozo where he was responsible for the formation of the professed students and later of the novices. In 1961 he was sent for two years of missionary work at La Goulette in Tunis and later returned to Malta where he continued his work in the field of formation as master of the novices. In the late sixties he was sent to the Valletta community where he served for a few years as vice-Parish Priest in the newly erected Parish. In the early seventies he was sent to the mission in Brazil where he worked for more than twenty-five years in various realities and serving in different responsibilities. In 1998 he then left Brazil and joined the Annaba community in Algeria where he served for another eight years. Back to Malta in 2006 he joined the community of Victoria Gozo and in 2010 he once again became part of the Community of Valletta where he remained until in 2018 he was admitted to the Christus Sacerdos residence for elderly priests due to health limitations. .

Apart from his missionary work for more than 35 years, Fr. George in Malta served for many years in the formation of young augustinians and was till the very end so passionate to ask and speak about the animation and prayer for vocations. Funeral Mass ill be celebrated tomorrow, 31st August 2022 at Saint Augustine Parish Church in Valletta followed by internment in the graves of the Augustinian Province at the Santa Maria Addolorata Cemetry.

The Augustinian Province commends the soul of this dear brother to the mercy of God through your prayers.

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